
Our Centre has been meticulously designed to ensure it is a safe, comfortable environment that will accommodate the abilities and needs of all children. Our goal is to promote good health, safety and nutrition.

Eating nutritious food is an important concern in our center. Snacks are provided by the Centre and will be selected in accordance with Canada’s Food Guide requirements.

Our staff will:

  • offer a clean and safe environment with nutritious ingredient for snacks
  • provide opportunities for learning how to take care of their bodies and develop self-help skills.
  • provide opportunities for both rest and exercise with indoor and outdoor activities daily.
  • post children’s allergies in the kitchen. (Parents must make staff aware of any food allergies).
  • inform parents of any significant changes in the eating habits of their child and their appetite.
  • model healthy attitudes towards food and meal times.
  • model healthy attitudes towards washing hands before and after meals and brushing teeth after eating.
  • discourage candy, gum, pop or other “junk food”.
  • teach toddlers to lie down or sit on the couch when they have a bottle.
  • discard any unused liquid in bottles or cups to prevent the spread of germs.
  • allow children time to eat and drink at their own pace.
  • respect the parent’s decision as to when and what solid foods will be introduced, while working within the guidelines of the BC Ministry of Health “Baby’s First Foods”.