
From our perspective, both free and purposeful plays are important tools for learning. Learning through play helps formulate healthy experiences for children. By the aid of purposeful play, children will discover rules of sharing, getting along with others, resolving conflicts, recognizing emotions and empathy, handling emotions, helping others, and interacting appropriately with others. They also learn to foster imagination and creativity through play. In Honey Bunny, a large portion of the day is spent on playing. It may consist of amusing and imaginary plays, play with others, play alone, and teacher’s guided play.

Values that support learning through playing according to literature include:

  • Children learn about social directions. Learning to take turns, work with other people, and waiting are fostered during plays.
  • Children learn about controlling their desires to do well at something about space, negotiating and problem solving by purposeful plays.
  • Play will bring joy and relaxation for kids.
  • Children are viewed as reflectors in the world that they can think and reflect on doing a purposeful game.
  • Children learn through the process of their efforts.
  • Children are encouraged to make choices and practise decision-making.
  • Children’s intelligence will expand in play since child’s all senses are involved.
  • Children’s motor skills and coordination will be developed which lead to their self-expression enhancement
  • Children learn about mathematic concepts when they are involved in making pattern and playing with blocks
  • Play can make children creative and explorer